大学院情報科学研究院 システム情報科学部門 システム融合学分野



2006年4月 - 現在
北海道大学 助教授・准教授
2003年4月 - 2006年3月
横浜国立大学 助手


2004年12月 - 現在
電気学会 論文委員会(B1グループ) 委員
2012年5月 - 2015年4月
電気学会 太陽光発電の系統との相互協調技術調査専門委員会 幹事
2011年8月 - 2014年7月
電気学会 JICEE日本編修委員会 委員
2012年6月 - 2014年5月
電気学会 不確実性を有する需給変動に係わる時系列データの解析技術調査専門委員会 幹事
2012年5月 - 2014年4月
電気学会 レジリエントエネルギーシステム協同研究委員会 委員
2012年4月 - 2014年3月
電気学会 代議員 代議員
2012年6月 - 2013年5月
電気学会 北海道支部役員会 総務企画幹事
2012年5月 - 2013年5月
電気学会 総務会議 委員 北海道総務担当
2010年11月 - 2012年10月
電気学会 次世代配電系統に適用されるパワーエレクトロニクス技術調査専門委員会 委員
2011年5月 - 2012年6月
電気学会 北海道支部役員会 監事
2009年4月 - 2012年3月
電気学会 低炭素型エネルギー需給システム技術調査専門委員会 委員
2009年4月 - 2012年3月
電気学会 太陽光発電システムの価値向上技術調査専門委員会 委員
2009年5月 - 2011年5月
電気学会 北海道支部役員会 会計幹事
2009年5月 - 2011年5月
電気学会 会計会議 委員
2010年5月 - 2011年
電気学会 創立125周年記念事業委員会 委員
2009年1月 - 2010年12月
電気学会 新電力供給システムの研究動向調査専門委員会 委員
2007年4月 - 2010年3月
電気学会 次世代電力システムにおける直流給配電調査専門委員会 委員
2006年6月 - 2009年3月
電気学会 次世代エネルギー需給システム技術調査専門委員会 委員
2006年4月 - 2009年3月
電気学会 編修専門第4部会 委員
2006年11月 - 2007年5月
電気学会 図書類のアーカイビングとウェブシステムの構築PT 委員
2006年5月 - 2007年5月
電気学会 電力・エネルギー部門研究調査運営委員会 幹事


Best Paper Award Renewable Energy 2010
Outstanding Paper Award


電気学会論文誌 B 144(8) 2024年08月 [査読有り]

電気学会論文誌 B 144(6) 2024年06月 [査読有り]

Operation scheduling method in an off-grid considering frequency violation probability caused by short-term variation
Takuto Ohsawa,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
Energy Reports 11 5139-5148 2024年06月 [査読有り]

林田淳,白土 博康,原亮一
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 144(5) 337-344 2024年05月 [査読有り]

Utilisation of electric vehicles and battery energy storage systems for the enhancement of PV hosting capacity in a distribution network
Zulu Esau,Hara Ryoichi,Kita Hiroyuki
HKIE Transactions 31(2) 1-7 2024年 To foster decarbonisation of the transportation sector, there is a growing widespread global adoptio... [査読有り]

電気学会論文誌 B 144(6) 2024年 [査読有り]

Determination of Estimation Accuracy of Voltage Profiles Required for Proper Voltage Control by On-Load Tap Changer in Distribution Systems
Riku Akasaka,RYOICHI HARA,Hiroyuki Kita,Shuhei Sugimura,Toshiharu Kurihara
Energies 2023年12月 [査読有り]

Variable DC Voltage Threshold-Based Control Considering Emergency Mode-Switching for MTDC System
Ayaka Nakamura,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT-LA) 2023年11月 [査読有り]

Modeling of A Grid-Following Inverter Considering the relationship between PCC and POC Voltages
Nobuaki Kawashima,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Hideo Ishii
2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smartgrid Techonologies Conference Asia (ISGT Asia) 2023年11月 [査読有り]

Model Reduction Method for Distribution System Including Smart Inverters with Grid-Forming Droop Control
Nobuaki Kawashima,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smartgrid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT EUROPE) 2023年09月 [査読有り]

Utilization of Electric Vehicles and Battery Energy Storage Systems for Enhance- ment of PV Hosting Capacity in a Distribution Network
ZULU Esau,HARA Ryoichi,KITA Hiroyuki
The International Council on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2023 2023年07月 [査読有り]

Decoupling Approach for A Unit Commitment Problem with Thermal- and Hydro- Generator Units
Tomoki Takeuchi,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Ichiro Toyoshima,Ryota Mizutani
Cigre Cairns 2023 International Symposium 2023年07月 [査読有り]

An Efficient Hybrid Particle Swarm and Gradient Descent Method for the Estimation of the Hosting Capacity of Photovoltaics by Distribution Networks
Esau Zulu,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
ENERGIES 16(13) 2023年07月 With many distribution networks adopting photovoltaic (PV) generation systems in their networks, the... [査読有り]

太陽光発電とオンサイト蓄電池で構成されるバランシンググループの運用に関する研究—A Study on the Operation of a Balancing Group Consisting of PVs and On-site Storage Batteries
沖 駿吾,原 亮一,北 裕幸,赤塚 元軌
電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = IEEJ transactions on power and energy 143(5) 260-269 2023年05月 [査読有り]

A flexible stochastic PV hosting capacity framework considering network over-voltage tolerance
Zulu Esau,Hara Ryoichi,Kita Hiroyuki
Energy Reports 9(1) 529-538 2023年03月 Integration of PV resources in distribution networks has become a world-wide trend. This has been ne... [査読有り]

電気学会論文誌 B 143(2) 2023年02月 [査読有り]

電力系統安定化に貢献するマイクログリッド構築 : 需給調整力確保に伴う追加コスト—Microgrid Introduction for Stabilization of Power Grid : Evaluation of an Additional Cost for Procuring Balancing Capacity
喜田 勇志,原 亮一,北 裕幸
電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = IEEJ transactions on power and energy 143(2) 157-164 2023年02月 [査読有り]

Samuel Kinari SAGA,Shiho ISHIKAWA,Tomohiro MITANI,Shigeru MORITA,Ryoichi HARA,Takayuki TANAKA,Michio KOMIYA,Kazuei ISHII,Satoru OCHIAI,Geun-Yong HAM
Journal of JSCE 11(2) 1-9 2023年 [査読有り]

MaaSと融合したマイクログリッド間の広域連携マネジメントと経済メリット—Management and Economic Merits of Wide-area Cooperation among Microgrids Coupled with MaaS
李 一達,原 亮一,北 裕幸
電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = IEEJ transactions on power and energy 142(11) 552-560 2022年11月 [査読有り]

Impact of sector-coupling in microgrid to residual electricity demand properties
Yushi Kida,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH 211 2022年10月 This paper discusses how the contribution of microgrid (MG) introduction to the power grid depends o... [査読有り]

川野 温輝,下町 健太朗,三島 裕樹,北條 昌秀,原 亮一,北 裕幸
電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) 142(9) 433-440 2022年09月 In Japan, the introduction of photovoltaic systems, one of a renewable energy sources, has been enco... [査読有り]

Merit evaluation of peer-to-peer electricity trading between prosumers
Tomoya Odashiro,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 17(6) 908-916 2022年06月 The enforcement of a feed-in tariff (FIT) program in Japan has increased the number of installations... [査読有り]

沖 駿吾,赤塚 元軌,原 亮一,北 裕幸
電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) 142(2) 91-97 2022年02月 The renewable energy resources such as the photovoltaic generation and the wind turbine generation a... [査読有り]

24 h-ahead wind speed forecasting using CEEMD-PE and ACO-GA-based deep learning neural network
Zhuoyi Liu,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 13(4) 2021年07月 Given the fluctuations in wind speed, wind power is always accompanied by uncertainty. An accurate f... [査読有り]

Two stage operation scheme for a microgrid including hydrogen production as a part of demand
Yushi Kida,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Yuji Koguma,Akinobu Inamura,Kenichi Hamaguchi
Electrical Engineering in Japan 214(2) 2021年06月 The authors focus on a microgrid (MG) including hydrogen production processes as a part of demand. T... [査読有り]

赤坂 莉空,原 亮一,北 裕幸,田邊 隆之,杉村 修平
電気学会論文誌B 141(6) 440-447 2021年06月

In distribution systems, a large amount of photovoltaic systems (PVs) is being introduced, which ... [査読有り]

Hybrid forecasting system based on data area division and deep learning neural network for short-term wind speed forecasting
Zhuoyi Liu,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 238 2021年06月 Wind speed forecasting is essential for the dispatch, controllability, and stability of power grids,... [査読有り]

Load Response of Biogas CHP Systems in a Power Grid
Shiho ISHIKAWA,Nicholas O. Connell,Raphael Lechner,Ryoichi HARA,Hiroyuki KITA,Markus Brautsch
Renewable Energy 170 12-26 2021年06月 [査読有り]

電気学会論文誌 B 141(4) 2021年04月 [査読有り]

最適確率潮流計算を用いたオフグリッド運用計画手法 -短周期変動を考慮した運用手法の開発-
電気学会論文誌 B 141(2) 2021年02月 [査読有り]

喜田勇志,原亮一,北 裕幸,小熊祐司,稲村彰信,濱口謙一
電気学会論文誌B 141(2) 113-120 2021年02月 [査読有り]

Evaluation of Economic Merits of Peer to Peer Electricity Transactions
Tomoya Odashiro,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe) 324-328 2020年10月 [査読有り]

電気学会論文誌B 140(3) 219-228 2020年03月

Recent growth of renewable energy (RE) generations with natural variability, would make the deman... [査読有り]

Fuel cell and Electrolyzer System for Supply and Demand Balancing in DC
Kentarho Shimomachi,Yuji Mishima,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
The 3rd IEEE International Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM2019) 2019年05月 [査読有り]

Optimal operation of cogeneration system coordinated by aggregator for providing the demand and supply regulation capacity
Yuta Nakamura,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Kiyotaka Takeda
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN 207(3) 23-34 2019年05月 Recent growth of renewable energy generations with natural variability, such as photovoltaic generat... [査読有り]

Performance evaluation based on long-term operation results of biogas plant for livestock manure management
Shiho Ishikawa,Kazunori Iwabuchi,Keiji Takahashi,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food 12(2) 155-161 2019年04月 © 2018 Asian Agricultural and Biological Engineering Association In this study, we report the long t... [査読有り]

電気学会論文誌 B 139(2) 56‐65(J‐STAGE)-65 2019年01月 © 2019 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Recent growth of renewable energy (RE) genera... [査読有り]

Voltage Regulation Utilizing Electric Vehicle Rapid Chargers in a Distribution System
Yuta Nakamura,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN 204(3) 21-30 2018年08月 From growing interests in the environment issues, promotion of photovoltaic power generation (PV) is... [査読有り]

Equivalent Energy Storage Capability of Combined Heat Pump and Biogas Engine Generator System
Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Shiho Ishikawa
2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) 2018年06月 [査読有り]

Optimal daily schedule of reconfiguration of distribution system with interconnected photovoltaic generators
Zheng Huang,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 13(2) 262-270 2018年02月 Network reconfiguration results in voltage deviations because of the time-varying nature of loads. N... [査読有り]

中村 勇太,原 亮一,北 裕幸,田中 英一
電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 138(2) 107-115 2018年02月

From growing interests in the environment issues, promotion of photovoltaic power generation (PV)... [査読有り]

Optimal WAMS hybrid configuration for voltage stability monitoring application considering the existence of conventional measurement
Lesnanto M. Putranto,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 13(1) 65-75 2018年01月 The supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system is used in power systems worldwide becau... [査読有り]

原 亮一,北 裕幸,石川 志保,平瀬 貴之
電気学会論文誌. B 138(6) 521-528 2018年

Recently, a large number of renewable energy (RE) sources such as wind farms (WFs), photovoltaic ... [査読有り]

Extended Flow Algorithm for Online Reconfiguration of Large-Scale Distribution System with Interconnected Distributed Generators
Zheng Huang,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Kazunari Ishibashi,Hirokazu Ito,Tsuneyo Sano
IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 12(6) 850-860 2017年11月 The interconnection of distributed generators (DGs) in a power system increases the difficulty of ma... [査読有り]

Centralized residential load scheduling with consideration of voltage control in future distribution system
Qiagnqinag Xie,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
2017 2nd International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE) 301-305 2017年09月 In recent years, rooftop photovoltaic (PV) power generation, electric vehicle (EV) are developing qu... [査読有り]

Coordinated control of OLTC and multi-CEMSs for overvoltage prevention in power distribution system
Qiangqiang Xie,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 12(5) 692-701 2017年09月 The high degree of penetration of residential rooftop photovoltaic systems causes the overvoltage pr... [査読有り]

電気学会論文誌 B 137(8) 573-580 2017年08月 Computational simulation is essential to evaluate the impact wind turbine penetration on the demand ... [査読有り]

Proposal of Fair and Effective Curtailment Allocation for Renewable Energy Generations
Reita Kitakaze,Hara Ryoichi,Kita Hiroyuki,Eiichi Tanaka
Proceedings of International Conference on Electric Engineering (ICEE) 2017 2017年07月 [査読有り]

Fluctuation Suppression for Renewable Energy Generation by Cooperating of Partial Curtailment Control and Battery Energy Storage System
Yuto Morishita,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
Proceedings of International Conference on Electric Engineering (ICEE) 2017 2017年07月 [査読有り]

Study on Voltage Regulation Utilizing EV Rapid Chargers in Distribution System - Design of Voltage Dead-band for Long-term Control
Yuta Nakamura,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
Proceedings of International Conference on Electric Engineering (ICEE) 2017 2017年07月 [査読有り]

Determination of the optimal DR capacity for a commercial building with chiller system and energy storage system
Joonho Son,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 12(4) 536-545 2017年07月 Demand response (DR), which is used to shave the peak demand for securing supply reliability in a po... [査読有り]

電気学会論文誌 B 137(6) 446-452 2017年06月 The output fluctuation of renewable energy generation may disturb the stable power system operation.... [査読有り]

電気学会論文誌 B 137(2) 124-131 2017年02月 This paper focuses on the minimization of energy costs for a factory with a non-utility generation f... [査読有り]

Multistage preventive scheme for improving voltage stability and security in an integrated renewable energy system
Lesnanto Multa Putranto,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 137(1) 59-70 2017年 The trend of renewable energy integration, power system size and complexity growth, occurrence of li... [査読有り]

A real-time cooperative overvoltage prevention control by a community energy management system
Qiangqiang Xie,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering 6(1) 224-230 2016年11月

Long-Term Extended Flow Algorithm for Reconfiguration on Dynamic Distribution Systems
Zheng Huange,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
Proc. of International Conference on Electric Engineering (ICEE) 2016 2016年07月 [査読有り]

Study on Voltage Regulation Utilizing EV Rapid Charger in Distribution System
Yuta Nakamura,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
Proc. of International Conference on Electric Engineering (ICEE) 2016 2016年07月 [査読有り]

Evaluation of the Procurement Cost of Reserved Capacity by Co-generation System
Kazuma Sawada,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Makoto Yokogawa,Kiyotaka Takeda
International Conference on Electric Engineering (ICEE) 2016 2016年07月

Combination Use of Energy Storage Systems and Electric Vehicles for Voltage Management in Distribution Network
Ryohei Koizumi,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
Proc. of International Conference on Electric Engineering (ICEE) 2016 2016年07月 [査読有り]

WAMS Hybrid Configuration for Real Time Voltage Stability Monitoring Application
Lesnanto Multa Putranto,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
2016 17TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON ELECTRIC POWER ENGINEERING (EPE) 108-113 2016年05月 Wide Area Monitoring System (WAMS) with Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) has the capability to do real ... [査読有り]

Series PMU Data-based State Estimation Technique for WAMS Application
Lesnanto Multa Putranto,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
2016 IEEE POWER AND ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING (PESGM) 2016年05月 In a modern transmission system, wide area monitoring system (WAMS), which is capable to perform rea... [査読有り]

Electricity supply characteristics of a biogas power generation system adjacent to a livestock barn
Shiho Ishikawa,Kazunori Iwabuchi,Michio Komiya,Ryoichi Hara,Jun Takano
Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food 9(2) 165-170 2016年04月 In order to consider the potential for electricity supply from a biogas power generation system (BGP... [査読有り]

電気学会論文誌B 136(4) 373-381 2016年04月 The concept of microgrid (MG), which can integrate a number of distributed generators and realize hi... [査読有り]

Real-Time Overvoltage Prevention Control via Multiagent based Community Energy Management Systems
Qiangqiang Xie,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
2016 IEEE PES INNOVATIVE SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE EUROPE (ISGT-EUROPE) 1-6 2016年 High degree penetration of residential rooftop Photovoltaic (PV)systems will cause the overvoltage p... [査読有り]

Hybrid Computation Approach for SCOPF Considering Voltage Stability and Penetration of Renewable Enegy
Lesnanto Multa Putranto,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
2016 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC) 1-7 2016年 for stable operation of power system, preventive control based on security constraint optimal power ... [査読有り]

A Real-Time Cooperative Overvoltage Prevention Control by A Community Energy Management System
Qiangqiang Xie,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2015) 2015年07月 [査読有り]

電気学会論文誌 B 135(6) 362-371 2015年06月 In this paper, a cooperative control of three energy storage systems (ESSs) and biogas generation fo...

Electricity Supply Characteristics of a Biogas Power Generation System Adjacent to a Livestock Barn
Kazunori Iwacuchi,Shiho Ishikawa,Michio Komiya,Ryoichi Hara,Jun Takano
International Scientific XXXVI CIOSTA & CIGR Section V Conference 2015年05月 [査読有り]

The Tianjin 2014 Symposium on Microgrids: A meeting of the minds for international microgrid experts
Chris Marnay,Benjamin Kroposki,Meiqin Mao,Honghua Xu,Alex Chong,Se-Kyo Chung,Ryoichi Hara,Toshifumi Ise,Reza Iravani,Farid Katiraei,Mihaela Albu,Nikos Hatziargyriou,Toshihisa Funabashi,Jim Reilly,Johan Driesen,Guillermo Jimenez,Xavier Vallve
IEEE Electrification Magazine 3(1) 79-85 2015年03月 The current status of international microgrid research, development, and demonstration (RD& D) wa...

The Tianjin 2014 Symposium on Microgrids
Chirs Marnay,Benjamin Kroposki,Meiqin Mao,Honghua Xu,Alex Chong,Se-Kyo Chung,Ryoichi Hara,Toshifumi Ise,Reza Iravani,Farid Kathraei,Mihaela Albu,Nikos Hatziagyriou,Toshihisa Funabashi,Jim Reilly,Johan Driesen,Guillermo Jimenez,Xavier Vallve
IEEE Electrification Magazine 2015年03月

The Demonstration of the CO2 Reduction Effect of 400V Class DC Micro Grid for Offices
M. Noritake,K. Yuasa,T. Takeda,K. Shimomachi,R. Hara,H. Kita,T. Matsumura
2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENERGY CONFERENCE (INTELEC) 2015年 This paper reports the experimental study of a 400 V class DC microgrid for an office building that ... [査読有り]

Experimental study of a 400 V Class DC Microgrid for Commercial Buildings
M. Noritake,K. Yuasa,T. Takeda,K. Shimomachi,R. Hara,H. Kita,T. Matsumura
2015 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POWER ELECTRONICS AND ECCE ASIA (ICPE-ECCE ASIA) 1730-1735 2015年 This paper reports the experimental study of a 400 V class DC microgrid for an office building that ... [査読有り]

Risk-based voltage stability monitoring and preventive control using wide area monitoring system
Lesnanto Multa Putranto,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
2015 IEEE EINDHOVEN POWERTECH 2015年 nowadays, power system tends to be operated in heavily stressed load, which can cause voltage stabil... [査読有り]

Operation Scheduling considering Demand Response in a Commercial Building with Chiller System and Energy Storage System
Joonho Son,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
2015 IEEE PES ASIA-PACIFIC POWER AND ENERGY ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (APPEEC) 2015年 Demand response (DR), is one of attractive options for the end-users such as commercial buildings (C...

A Study on Compensating Voltage Drop in Distribution Systems due to Nighttime Simultaneous Charging of Electric Vehicles Utilizing Charging Power Adjustment and Reactive Power Injection
Yuki Mitsukuri,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiji Kamiya,Shoji Taki,Naoya Hiraiwa,Eiji Kogure
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN 189(4) 9-21 2014年12月 To reduce the environment load, electric vehicles (EV) have been attracting attention and expectatio... [査読有り]

Study on EMS for DC Microgrid for Office Building - Study on Real-time Operation -
Toshiyuki Iwami,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Masatoshi Noritake,Hidekazu Hoshi,Keiichi Hirose
Proc. of 20th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2014) 2014年06月 [査読有り]

A Study of a New Algorithm for Online Reconfiguration of Distribution System with Interconnection of Distributed Generators
Zheng Huang,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
20th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2014) 2014年06月 [査読有り]

Static and Dynamic Characteristic Models of Global Solar Radiation Fluctuation in the Scope of Load Frequency Control
Motoki Akatsuka,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Katsuyuki Takitani,Masami Saito
Electrical Engineering in Japan 186(2) 10-20 2014年01月

Intelligent Flow Algorithm for Online Reconfiguration of Distribution System
Zheng Huang,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering 4(1) 16-22 2014年01月

Cooperative Control of Energy Storage Systems and Biogas Generator for Multiple Renewable Energy Power Plants
Yusuke Manabe,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Katsuyuki Takitani,Koji Yamaguchi,Takayuki Tanabe,Shiho Ishikawa,Takahiro Oomura
2014 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC) 1-7 2014年 The Ministry of the Environment of Japan is promoting a demonstration project named "wide-area opera... [査読有り]

Development of Energy Management System for DC Microgrid for Office Building -Day Ahead Operation Scheduling Considering Weather Scenarios-
Kentaro Shimomachi,Masatoshi Noritake,Ryoichi Hara,Hidekazu Hoshi,Hiroyuki Kita,Keiichi Hirose
2014 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC) 1-6 2014年 In recent years, distributed generators (DG) with renewable energy (RE) are introduced to electric p... [査読有り]

Energy Management Considering Demand Response Resource in Commercial Building with Chiller System and Energy Storage Systems
Joonho Son,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POWER ENGINEERING AND RENEWABLE ENERGY (ICPERE) 96-101 2014年 One of the promising contributions from end-users such as commercial buildings (CBs), residences and... [査読有り]

Voltage Stability-based PMU Placement Considering N-1 Line Contingency and Power System Reliability
Lesnanto Multa Putranto,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiichi Tanaka
2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POWER ENGINEERING AND RENEWABLE ENERGY (ICPERE) 120-125 2014年 New PMU placement algorithm considering network connectivity, zero injection bus, reliability of N-1... [査読有り]

真鍋 勇介,原 亮一,北 裕幸,田中 英一
電気学会論文誌. B 134(4) 328-335 2014年 This paper proposes a new reliability assessment method for two control areas interconnected by a ti... [査読有り]

Study of Economic System at Compensation for Voltage Drop Utilizing Charging Power Adjustment of Electric Vehicles
Yuta Nakamura,Yuki Mitsukuri,Masaru Iguchi,Yuji Mishima,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
2014 IEEE PES ASIA-PACIFIC POWER AND ENERGY ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (IEEE PES APPEEC) 2014年 A surge of needs for the low carbon society promotes a spread of electric vehicle (EV). EVs could be... [査読有り]

電気学会論文誌 B 134(4) 311-319 2014年 Currently, the installed capacity of photovoltaic generations (PV) is rapidly growing from perspecti...

Operation algorithm of DC microgrid for achieving local production for local consumption of renewable energy
Masatoshi Noritake,Hidekazu Hoshi,Keiichi Hirose,Hiroyuki Kita,Ryoichi Hara,Masak Yagami
35th International Telecommunications Energy Conference 'SMART POWER AND EFFICIENCY' (Intelec 2013) 2013年10月 [査読有り]

Cooperation of energy storage systems and biogas generator for stabilization of renewable energy power plants
Yusuke Manabe,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Katsuyuki Takitani,Takayuki Tanabe,Shiho Ishikawa,Takahiro Oomura
2013 4th IEEE/PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT Europe 2013 1-5 2013年10月 The Ministry of the Environment of Japan has promoted the demonstration project named 'wide-area ope... [査読有り]

Intelligent Flow Algorithm for Online Reconfigtration of Distribution System
Zheng Huang,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) 58-63 2013年07月 [査読有り]

Study on Voltage Regulation in Distribution System Using Electric Vehicles - Control Method Considering Dynamic Behavior -
Yuki Mitsukuri,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Keiichi Watanabe,Kenjiro Mori,Yasuhiro Kataoka,Eiji Kogure,Yuji Mishima
Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2013, No.FP0196 2013年07月 [査読有り]

Study on Voltage Regulation in a Distribution System Using Electric Vehicles -Characteristic of Coordinated Control -
Yuta Nakamura,Yuki Mitsukuri,Yuji Mishima,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Keiichi Watanabe,Kenjiro Mori,Yasuhiro Kataoka,Eiji Kogure
Proc. of Cigre SC/C6 Colloquium 169-174 2013年06月 [査読有り]

Study on Voltage Regulation in a Distribution System Using Electric Vehicles—Optimal Real and Reactive Power Dispatch by Centralized Control
Yuki Mitsukuri,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiji Kamiya,Shoji Taki,Eiji Kogure
Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering 3(2) 134-140 2013年04月 [査読有り]

三栗 祐己,原 亮一,北 裕幸,神谷 英志,滝 祥治,平岩 直哉,小暮 英二
電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society 133(2) 157-166 2013年02月 To realize reduction in environment load, electric vehicles (EV) have been attracting great attentio... [査読有り]

北 裕幸,原 亮一,小杉 成史,藤田 利和
電気学会論文誌. B 133(10) NL10_5-NL10_5 2013年

真鍋 勇介,原 亮一,北 裕幸
電気学会論文誌. B 133(6) 505-514 2013年 In the future, renewable energy (RE) generation systems will be constructed and interconnected to th... [査読有り]

The Analysis of Output from PV Power Station to Estimate Generation Reserve for Frequency Regulation
Motoki Akatsuka,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Katsuyuki Takitani,Koji Yamaguchi
Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering 2(4) 351-357 2012年10月 [査読有り]

A Study on Adequate Level of Generation Reserve Margin Based on Stochastic Evaluation of Operational Cost with Large Penetration of Photovoltaic Generations
Masaru Asada,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering 2(4) 370-376 2012年10月 [査読有り]

Analysis of Spatial Smoothing Effect of Short-Term Fluctuation of Global Solar Radiation Based on Data Including Quantization Error
Yosuke Ue,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Yutaka Saito,Katsuyuki Takitani,Masami Saito
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN 180(3) 55-63 2012年08月 Photovoltaic (PV) systems are attracting attention as one of the promising countermeasures against g... [査読有り]

Generation Expansion Planning Considering Mass Penetration of Renewable Energy Generation and Supply Reliability
Yusuke Manabe,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita
Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2012) 2012年07月 [査読有り]

Study on Voltage Regulation in a Distribution System Using Electric Vehicles - Optimal Real and Reactive Power Dispatch by Centralized Control -
Yuki Mitsukuri,Ryoichi Hara,Hiroyuki Kita,Eiji Kamiya,Shoji Taki,Eiji Kogure
Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2012) 2012年07月 [査読有り]



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