採択年度 2013年度
研究者氏名 芝浦工業大学 理工学研究科 地域環境システム専攻 博士後期課程1年 DanVu Nguyen
萌芽研究テーマ A:電力システムの高度化への挑戦
研究概要 Over the past decades, tremendous development and installation of wind energy has emerged in the entire world. In Japan, especially after the Great Eastern Earthquake in 2011, wind energy plays an important role in projects on future energy development. Therefore, knowledge and understanding on wind power generation systems become very necessary. In order to investigate and experience a practical wind generation system, researchers require a system which can simulate the wind speed variations in a region, different types of generators and various strategies of wind power generation control.This research is conducted to fulfill these requirements. In this project, a compact system is built to imitate a practical wind power generation system. The developed system consists of three modules: wind aerodynamic module simulating the practical operations of wind aerodynamics, wind generator module simulating the real generators and power converter module implementing various control strategies of wind power generation systems. The system can highly support students and researchers to approach and to analyze wind generation systems. In addition, the three modules of this system are small and tidy. Hence, it is very convenient for researchers to handle and conduct experiments in narrow space.
外部発表情報 IEEE Applied Superconductivity Conference 2014, Charlotte NC, USA, August 10-15th 2014 (Accepted). 
IEEJ Power and Energy Society Meeting 2014, Japan September 10-12th, 2014 (Scheduled)


